

Is Cranberry Juice (or pills) Good for Urinary Tract Infections?

Is Cranberry Juice (or pills) Good for Urinary Tract Infections?

Article summary: TL; DR What is Cranberry? Urinary tract infections (UTI) are among the most common health problems, affecting millions worldwide yearly. Although UTIs are treatable with antibiotics, the excessive use of these drugs can lead to the development of bacterial resistance, which has become a growing concern in the health field. Consequently, finding viable alternatives to prevent these infections

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Maternal Diet During Breastfeeding - Do's and Don'ts

Maternal Diet During Breastfeeding – Do’s and Don’ts

Introduction Nursing women can produce sufficient amounts of breast milk, in both quantity and quality, for their babies, even when they are not consuming adequate nutrition. During breastfeeding, the female body gives priority to milk production. But there are limits to how much the body can compensate for an inadequate diet in terms of quality or quantity of calories and

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